Thursday, March 25, 2010


Gavin had an interesting day. By interesting I mean bad. I am becoming more frustrated with Gavin's school situation as a whole.

We get a summary of his day, every day. They use moon's as the behavior grading system. Full moon is great and new moon is bad. So when we ask Gavin how his day was he says "8 full moons" as an example.

We have been struggling with this because it doesn't appear to be very accurate. Gavin was sent to the principles office again today (this has become a daily occurrence) because he was out of control. He missed all of reading class because of his behavior. He received a 3/4 moon for a class he didn't even attend. Are they grading on a curve? On what planet does that qualify as a 3/4 moon.

Maybe I'm being strict or expecting to much from Gavin but in my opinion any day he is sent to the principles office is a BAD day. He goes to the principles office at least once a day for behavioral issues. I don't understand how that helps him. If he gets sent to the office during a class because of choices he has made then that should be a "new moon". Right?

I mean as he gets older he won't be able to get away with the things he gets away with now. Our stance is that his only real chance (ha ha that rhymes) is to ride him pretty hard now to curb the behavioral issues. No one is going to be understanding when he's older and still doing these things. Does any of this make sense? He will simply go to jail.

I don't know how to get the school to grasp this concept. It's pretty simple in my opinion. There has to be natural consequences and realistic expectations. Gavin's therapist is having a meeting with the school next week to clear up any confusion as to what his capabilities are.

I'm not going to hold me breath. I will probably just continue to bang my head into the wall out of frustration until this is resolved.

Lost and Tired

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